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Although our base is in Kos Island of Greece, the location of the course is very flexible and can be conducted virtually anywhere in the world

To be acceptable in this course you need to have a certificate of internationally recognized Advanced Nitrox course and also have 100 logged dives.

IANTD Recreational Rebreather Courses

This is the  first step on the Rebreather training

Teaches the basic use of a Rebreather and allows the student to dive a Rebreather to a maximum depth of 40 metres using air as a diluent without decompression

Rebreathers offer great opportunities to divers by reducing the limitations of gas.

Combined with O2 optimization on ascent, making the breathing gas richer and increasing no stop times, CCR make long multi level not stop dives from 40m a reality.

The unit knowledge, safe unit preparation and diving, loop management and the recognition of unsafe breathing gas are some of the thing this level is about.

The ability to make a safe OC bailout ascent up a shot line or on a DSMB is a key skill for the course, with the emphasis also on unit download skills to enable post dive analysis and improvement.

Cost : 1000 €


Please don’t hesitate contact us so we can discuss any further details of your trip here such as package prices, your accommodation, documents you might need etc